Seasonal Strategies-Using "Deals" to Increase Revenue

For many businesses, especially service businesses, revenue moves up and down with the seasons. When there is a spring hail storm, chances are roofing company revenues are about to go up, but come winter, the revenue stream seams to dry up. The same can be said for HVAC, in winter and summer revenues go up when customers have their units serviced for the extreme cold or heat, but come fall and spring, revenues go down because customers do not need to prepare for extreme temperatures. The list goes on and on, but how can a company somewhat level the proverbial hills and valleys of seasonal revenue? A simple and highly effective strategy is to offer and promote deals during the "valleys." When a deal is structured correctly and promoted effectively, business increases and along with it revenues. While it seems simple enough, many companies are reluctant to offer such deals, for the simple fact that during the "valleys" money is tighter and the deals cost money both in advertising and reduced profit because of the nature of the deal! That being said, if a company is willing to take incremental and calculated risks to offer seasonal deals, the rewards can more than make the risks worth it!!


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