Is the Internet bad for Business?

This question can be argued till the end of time, but it is a valid and important question. As much as anything, the answer is largely split along a generational divide. The people my age have a much different view of the internet than those that are my dad's or grandad's age, and the arguments for both sides are compelling! For the younger generation, the internet is wonderful for business. It allows price transparency like business has never seen; it allows comparison among businesses that could never have be made possible without the internet; and it provides a medium for average, ordinary people to make their voices to be heard for or against any business. However, the older generation has a little different perspective. For many of them, the internet has made many businesses impersonal and cold; it has created companies that have driven prices so low that many local companies have been forced out of business; and the internet has created an environment where individuals can make or break a business through comments and campaigns that may or may not be true. All that to say, no matter which side you may be on, the internet is here to stay so use it wisely and to your business's advantage!


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